Survey questions to assess your employees engagement and satisfaction

If you are unsure and want to know if your employees are satisfied and engaged with their jobs you simply have to ask. Many managers only ask during one-on-one conversations or during their performance reviews to get feedback.

When managing a large employee base it can impractical to have conversations with each employee and if you rely upon reviews to seek feedback it can simply be not enough to go from. A simple solution would be a survey.

Survey questions to assess your employees engagement and satisfaction

They are quick to do so you will have a large sample pool and you can do it as often as you’d like throughout the year. If you’re planning on using a survey for feedback here are the most effective questions to ask.

Would you refer a friend to work at our company?

This question is enables you to gain an insight into how your employees see your company. If they answer yes, you’re on the right track with the work environment and company culture that has been established. If the majority answer is no then it’s a clear indication that something needs to change.

On a scale of 1-10 rate your job satisfaction

A lack of job satisfaction is a major reason why most employees leave their workplace. The numerical scale allows you to capture a range of satisfaction that your employees have. Look for false data with this type of question. The ideal outcome is a large portion of 8s and 9s but if everything comes back as a 10 then the employees probably aren’t taking it seriously.

In a year do you see yourself working here?

This question is great for predicting potential turnovers and also indicates if your employees see your company as a place for advancement. A large percentage of no answers would suggest some serious changes in your workplace culture and further investigation will be needed.

Do you feel like you can give management honest feedback about their performance?

If your employees feel like that can’t be honest with their management they could leave their positions without warning. Trust and honesty is important in the workplace so you can make adjustments when necessary. You want your employee base to feel like they can communicate with you on how to make their jobs fulfilling and purposeful.

On a scale of 1-10 rate your work-life balance

This question is very important to ask. If people are pushed hard for too long it is easy for them to burn out. The repercussions can range from poor performance, a significant drop in productivity to just plain quitting. This question can suggest whether you need to incorporate more leisure activities in the workplace or just simply give more time off.